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Not that you'd expect anything different from guys like Aaron Aurora and Connot Levi. It doesn't matter what position they play in on the field, this bunch of horny, over-sexed pups all have one thing in common: they just love hot, sweaty, raw sex on an almost constant basis. Starring : Aaron Aurora, Skye Romeo, Connor Levi, Oscar Roberts, Cody Reed, Troy McCarthy, Simon De Lany, Jake Zhang, Jaxon Radoc

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Genre : Bareback, Twinks, Kostimire sports, Oral / Anal Sex, Masturbate, Cumshot, Big Cock Andy finishes up with a huge cum explosion all over Tyson's face. Lastly, The heat quickly gets turned up as Andy and Tyson start with some hot oral and then steaming fucking. Jake loves it so much that he comes all over Krist's face while he's riding him. So good that Corey blows his load twice! Next, Krist fucks Jake in his very first video as a top. Corey and John take a break from playing to have a passionate, hot fuck-fest. They finish with some hot fucking that ends with a bang. They get into some hot sucking before Atlanta gets down to some rimming and fingering that gets Krist going.

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Starring: Krist Cummings Atlanta Grey Corey Clark Jake Johnson Tyson Corrigan Andy KayĪtlanta and Krist start off this sexy movie with a hot scene on the back porch.

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